Wednesday, May 2, 2018

schedule for next activity

1) 15 May 2018: Advise candidates shortlisted for the IELTS test
2) 2 June 2018: IELTS test
3) Advise candidates shortlisted for interview: Week Commencing
18 June 2018
4) 5 - 13 July 2018: Interviews for shortlisted candidates
5) July / August 2018: Advise successful candidates (provisional awardees)


1) 25  June 2018: Depart to Mongoliar
2) 29 June 2018: Deport to Phnom Penh
3) 21 July: Depart from Phnom Penh to Korea
·   4) 4 August: Deport from Korea to Phnom Penh 

Friday, April 6, 2018

Vocabulary Today

Definition of mislead

misled play \-ˈled\misleading
to lead in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief often by deliberate deceit 
  • His comments were a deliberate attempt to misleadthe public.
to lead astray give a wrong impression

Definition of deceptive

tending or having power to cause someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid tending or having power to deceive 
  • deceptiveappearance
  • a pitcher with a deceptive windup

Vocabulary Today

euthanasia:: the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (such as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy

Definition of absurd

1ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous 
  • an absurdargument
 extremely silly or ridiculous 
  • absurd humor
2having no rational or orderly relationship to human life meaningless 
  • an absurd universe
also lacking order or value 
  • anabsurd existence
3dealing with the absurd (see 2absurd) or with absurdism 
  • absurdtheater

Definition of reticence

1the quality or state of being reticent reserverestraint
an instance of being reticent
reluctance 1

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Friday, March 23, 2018

Vocabulary from Reading IELTS 12 Test 6

Common beliefe = wide acceptance
Superior to = better than
Tramatic= Causing people to carefully listen= ever presented= unbelieveable
accout of = talking about
companion = simalar
theory= term= make a name

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Vocabulary Today for Listening

Already = Not new
Reduce= cut
Need # eliminate
Fist time # Reconnecting
Construction= Manufacture
take into account = owing to (because, due to)

Vocabulary Today from listening

Lead the class= teacher 
One on one = individule
Employee= the people who work
acquire by someboy = learn from somebody

Monday, March 19, 2018

Writing Task 2 Test 8

  1. Introduction: 1) Background: Two Sides
                  2) Thesis: Opinion 
  2. Body Paragraph1: one side (own choice = some people think that free children to choose daily matters including food, cloth, ........)
  3. Body Paragraph2: one side (consider the impact of matter = while other people  think that they should consider the impact of matters what they buy........ I and I support this point of view. )
While some people believe that children are able to buy their own materials such as food, clothes and entertainment would contribute to them involve in social live or independent, other view point out that they ought to consider to the effects posed by buying these. In my view, I think parents should help them to prepare only fundamental stuffs for living because they are more comprehensive to select what to buy and minimize the possible negative effects. 

On one hand, cloths, food and entertainment should be taken into account of the effects before they purchase. 

Vocabulary Today

alienation noun [ U ] SEPARATION
1. the feeling that you have no connection with the people around you
Depressed people frequently feel a sense of alienation from those around them.
extensive adjective
covering a large area; having a great range
a school with extensive grounds
extensive repairs to the motorway
Her knowledge of music is extensive (= she knows a lot about music) .
The wedding received extensive coverage in the newspapers.
folk noun PEOPLE
1. [ plural ] ( mainly US folks ) people, especially those of a particular group or type
old folk
Ordinary folk can't afford cars like that.
2. folks
a. [ as form of address ] informal used when speaking informally to a group of people
All right, folks, dinner's ready!
b. mainly US someone's parents
I'm going home to see my folks.

inimitable adjective
very unusual or of very high quality and therefore impossible to copy
He was describing, in his own inimitable style/way , how to write a best-selling novel.
She appeared at the Oscar's wearing one of Versace's inimitable creations.
lieu noun formal
in lieu (of)
instead (of)
The paintings were left to the nation by the Duke of Norfolk in lieu of inheritance taxes. 

overarching adjective [ before noun ] formal
most important, because including or affecting all other areas
a grand overarching strategy
The overarching theme of the election campaign was tax cuts.

Vocabulary Today

- I consider that = I am considering
- It should depend on the age of the child = the age of the child should be taken into consideration
- Motivate = encourage = drive
- Excel = to do well = to perform well
- essential = critical = vital
- Indespensible = conot do without

Tip for Writing Task 2, Discussion Essay

There are two ways to write the discussion essay. 
1) One side opinion 
2) Balance view 
Type of question
- Discuss both sides and give your opinion. 
Q1. When and how to give the opinion ??
Ans. In fact, you must write both discussion and opinion. 
Q2. What structure of the two ways you just mentioned? 
Structure: one side opinion 

  1. Introduction: 1) Background: Two Sides
                          2) Thesis: Opinion 
  2. Body Paragraph1: one side( for example"copetition") = some people think.........and I agree 
  3. Body Paragraph2: other side( for example"Cooperation") = other people think.....
  4. Conclusion: Refer to other people's opinion     
                      : Restate my opinion 
  • Both Sides are bout people think... but we need to agree one side only. 
  • Give the reason why people support side 1( competition)
    - eg. Children do better in school
    -eg. Children apply themselves when in direct competition with classmate
    -eg. Later in life: competition in the job market 
  • Give the reason why people support side 2 ( cooperation)
    - eg.peopel don't live apart( they learn to live alongside others
    - eg. learn communication
    - eg. deal with confrontation
    - eg. learn to negotiate
  • Continue
2) Balance view 
  1. Introduction:         1) Background: Two Sides
                          2) Thesis: Opinion to give one position only but not agree with both sides at the same time(it should dependance and clear opinion)                                     
  2. Body Paragraph1: one side( for example"competition") = some people think.........and I agree 
  3. Body Paragraph2: other side( for example"Cooperation") = other people think.....
  4. Body Paragraph 3: My opinion( it is flexible when the child need and when the child don't need)
  5. Conclusion: Refer to other people's opinion + my opinion+comment  
1) Underline both sides in the essay question.
2) Decide if you agree with one side 100% or if you have one specific opinion 
3) Never agree with both sides
4) Plan supporting point
5) Plan for paraphrasing for the main point 
6) Structure 
   - intro
   - BP1 one side +/- opinion
   - BP2 one side +/- opinion
   - Con
  - intro
   - BP1 one side 
   - BP2 one side 
   - BP3 opinion 
   - Con
7) Intro = two sides+opinion 
8) Always re-read the question before starting a BP
9) A topic sentence must be full written 
10) Supporting point explain why people have their view 
11) Don't confuse with this with advantages 
12) Refer to other people opinion in the conclusion and restate your opinion 
13) Linking
    - Intro: Although  in my opinion 
    - BP1: In one hand, in other words, consequently, for example, further  
              more, in order to  
    - BP2:  On the other hand, so, Another reason 
    - BP3: Finally, in my view, while, therefore
    - Con: In conclusion, Despite  

** Important message

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

EL12_Writing task 2

1. Synonym 
Population: community, people, society
Young adults: teenager, adolescence, junior
Older people: elderly people, older personl, elder
Country: nation, community, land
2.Essay planning 
2.1 Question for analysis
2.2 Branstorming

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Model of essay, vocabulary for bar chart

1) average of just under
2) alter
3) aproximately
4) hover: stay in one place
5) exceeding:
6) plump
7) decreae only slightly
8) upward
9) from this point onward
10) while
11) halve (v): to reduce something by half or devide something into two equal pieces
12) plum significantly
13) had risen to
14) reach nearly
15) a slight decrease
16) remain more or less (almost, aproximately) at the same level
17) pedestrianise: Close (a street or area) to traffic, making it accessible only to pedestrians
18) resume: Begin again or continue after a pause or interruption
19) virtually : alomost


The graph shows the number of car journes into the city centre made by residents and non-residents over a ten yar period. 

In 1996 an average of just under 10,000 journeys per day were being made by residents, while approximatly half that number were made by none residents. Over the altered 3 years, resident journes  remained reasonably hovering, while none-resident journey increased each year, excedding 8,000 per day in 1999. In early 2000, parking methers were introduced into the city centre, and this had the effect of virtually halving resident traffic, although non-resident traffic decreased only slightly. By the end of 2002, the number of resident had not plummeted significantly, but none resident journeys had risen to their 1999 level. At this point, Westgate Street and Park Lane were pedestriased. This resulted in a dramatic decline in none-resident traffic, and a slight decrease in resident traffic. Form this point onward resident traffic remained more or less at the same level, while non-resident traffic resumed its upward trend, reaching nearly 5,000 journeys per day in 2005. 

Model of essay writing

1) approximately at around xxx
2) the general trend was downward
3) gradually increase from...... per day to a peak of xxx
4) plum
5) rock from xxx to xxx
6) meanwhile
7) decline sharply
8) fell below
10) fluctuated
11) a low point of xxx
12) remain fairly stable

Friday, January 12, 2018

Vocabulary for Graphs (Special terms)

1)to be at the highest piont
2) to peak
3) to hit a peak
4) to top out


1) To be at the lowest piont
2) to bottom out
3) to hit bottom
4) to reach a low point

1) to fluctuagte (a fluctuaiton)

Vocabulary for graphs (Rate or speed of change)

Rate or speed of change

Adjectives to adverbs

1) abrupt - abruptly
2) quick - quickly
3) rapid - quickly
4) speedy - speedily
5) sudden - suddenly


1) sluggish - sluggishly


gradual - gradually ( small movement only)
steady - steadily

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Vocabulary of Graphs (Direct of change)

Direction of change
Verb to Noun
to gain - a gain
to go up - an upturn
to grow - a growth
to improve - an improvement
to increase - an increase
to jump - a jump
to recover - a recovery
to rise - a rise
to rocket - ........( usually associated with large movements only)
to shoot up - ..... ( usually associated with large movements only)
to soar - ...........( usually associated with large movements only)
to surge - a surge
to take off - ............

to come/go down - ........
to crash - a crash (associated with large movement only)
to decline - a decline
to decrease - a decrease
to diminish - a diminishment
to drop - a drop
to droop - a droop
to dwindle - ........
to fall - a fall
to plummet - a plummet (associated with large movement only)
to plunge - a plunge (associated with large movement only)
to shrink - a shrinkage
to sink - .........
to slip - a slip
to slide - a slide
to slump - a slump
to take a tumble - a tumble
to bumble - a tumble

Vocabulary for Graphs (degree or amount of change)

1 Degree or Amount of Change
A. Adjective to adverb
 1) considerable -  considerably
 2) dramatic - dramatically
 3) drastic - drastically
 4) enormous - enormously
 5) huge - ..............
 6) major - ............
 7) sharp - sharply
 8) significant - significantly
 9) steep - stepply
10) substantial - substantially
11) vast - bastly
1) insignificant - insignificantly
2) minimal - minimally
3) minor - ...................
4) moderate - moderately
5) slight - slightly
No change (Verb)
to flatline: it is associated with reaching a period of no change after a period of                      movement and remain unchanged after that point  
to level of : it is associated with reaching a period of no change after a period of                      movement and remain unchanged after that point
to plateau : it is associated with reaching a period of no change after a period of                      movement and remain unchanged after that point
to remain constant
to remain stable
to remain steady = to hold steady
to show no change
to stagnate
to stabilize

Expression and comparing data sets

A. 2/4 and 0.1 : two four is greater than zero point one
B. 100% and 0.01: One hundred is equal to zero point zero one
C. 0.4 and 4/5: Zero point four is smaller than four fifth
D. 0.8 and 78%: Zero point eight is approximately the same zero point zero one

1) 0.0 = 0=0.0%
2) 0.1= 1/9 =10%
3) 0.25 =1/4 = 25%
4) 0.33 = 1/3 = 33%
5) 0.50 =1/2 = 50%
6) 0.66 = 4/6 = 2/3 = 66%
7) 0.75 = 3/4 = 75%
8) 0.9 = 9/10 = 90%
10) 1 =10/10=100%

Sentence development

1) Buiding a wider road can solve traffic congestion, which is a serious problem in major cities during the rush hour, because it allows traffic to move more easily.

Strategy for Speaking

Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: